Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Homemade Granola Bars

Homemade Granola Bars

1/2c sunflower seeds
1c sliced almonds
1c rice Krispice
2c granola
1/4c flax seed
1/3c pine nuts
1/3c pumpkin seeds
1c dried cranberries
1/3c flaked coconut
3tbsp peanut butter
2tbsp butter
7c mini marshmallow.

In large skillet on medium, stir together all seeds/nuts, cook till turn golden (est 3 min). Add coconut, and stir till seeds are golden. Careful, these burn easily. Stir in berries and cereal/granola mix. Remove from heat.

In large saucepan, mix together butter, peanut butter and marshmallows, on low heat, till melted. Pour into nut mixture and stir till evenly coated. Press lightly in greased 13x9 dish. Let stand till cool before cutting into bars. Enjoy!

Great thing about this recipe, you can change out what kind of seeds, nuts, and berries you want to use. And in the picture you see here, I actually put in 3.5c of rice Krispies by mistake lol And my dish is 17x11 and it made me 42 bars.

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