Sunday, October 6, 2013



Two boxes of Lasagna Noodles (COOKED)
 2 Containers of Ricotta Cheese
Two pounds of BULK Italian Sausage (mild)
Cooked Two Pounds Ground Meat (COOKED)
Two Packages of Mozzarella Cheese (Shredded)
Parmesan Cheese Sauce - Home made or Two to three bottles of your favorite sauce
Four Hard boiled eggs.

Take two 9x13 pans and cover bottom with a little sauce Lay noodles over it, one layer Add ground meat and sausage (just enough to cover the layer a little bit) Sprinkle Hard boiled eggs over meat Add Ricotta Cheese, spread evenly Sprinkle Parmesan Cheese Layer noodles again and repeat steps. When you come to the last layer, add meat, sauce and mozzarella cheese and Parmesan (DO NOT ADD NOODLES OVER THIS) Bake at 350 for 30 to 40 minutes. Until cheese is melted and Lasagna is totally hot. I usually place a baking sheet under my pan because sometimes the sauce will bubble and drip. Don't be afraid to add the hard boiled egg, it tastes wonderful. This recipe is from my Italian Grandmother who made this. Recipe Straight from ITALY..

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