Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oreo Balls

Oreo Balls

Perfect to give as gifts for the Holidays. Only 3 ingredients, 5 steps, EASY UNLESS YOU ARE LAZY! **Warning** These are very addictive & melt in your mouth!! 


1 16oz package of Oreo Cookies
1 8 oz block cream cheese, softened
1 16oz pack Cooking Chocolate (Hershey's Semi sweet chocolate chips the best)

1. Place Oreo Cookies in a bag/blender and smash/blend until it is the consistency of dirt.

2. Mix the softened cream cheese into the smashed Oreos.

3. Roll the mixture into balls.

4. Melt chocolate in the microwave.

5. Cover balls in chocolate then leave to set in the fridge.

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